
The Biggest Stay The Same

The Biggest Stay The SameSeated on an airplane next to my daughter several years ago, we found a show on the television to entertain us while in-flight.  It was, “The Biggest Loser” TV show.  We’re not big TV watchers at our house and my daughter asked me what it was about.  Not having actually watched the show before, but knowing about it thanks to the check-out line of my grocery store, I explained the premise of the show.  We watched it for several minutes until my then wise-beyond-her-years 9-year-old turned to me and asked,

“Why would they have a show like that on TV?”

“Oh, sweetie, I agree,”  was all I could say.

Out of the mouths of babes, right?  It got me thinking…

Why don’t we celebrate people who stay the same? Where’s their show?

Don’t get me wrong, it takes a lot of hard work and determination to dramatically change a portion of your life and I have a tremendous amount of respect for someone who can do that.  But, it is arguably harder to do what it takes, day in and day out, to keep from getting into unfortunate situations to begin with.

Here’s my TV show idea and the pitch I’d like to make:

The Biggest Stay The Same

The winner is the person who is working hard at what really matters everyday and staying the same.

Still need convincing?  Let’s take a look:

  • Keeping the same spouse or partner.  You can’t tell me this isn’t hard work…
  • Still living in the same house, not buying up.
  • Keeping expenses the same even when income increases, not living beyond your means or having to buy it all on credit when you can’t afford it.
  • Sticking with the same technology and resisting the urge to constantly upgrade to the next gadget.
  • Staying the same weight and size. This would indicate you’re staying healthy, too, and will most likely have lower health care costs.  There’s no need to purchase new clothing when you still fit into your clothing from 20 years ago – plus it’s back in fashion again.
  • Same simple living.  Not sexy, but it allows time for: repairing your own car, doing home maintenance without hiring out, cooking healthy meals, shopping for used clothing or mending what you have, finding items for your home at garage sales, walking places, slowing down, relaxing, and enjoying.
  • Still using the same purse.  Okay, I just tossed this one in for fun but you can save money and resources by not upgrading to a new handbag every year or so.  Used handbags?  Yes, please.  They’re some of the best treasures around.

Why “The Biggest Stay The Same” won’t be aired.

There’s no drama, no family chaos, no bankruptcies, and no scale weigh-ins, no inspirational music in the background.  Let’s face it: loaded with daily challenges and frustrations, self-discipline, and moderation, it’s simply not that interesting.

But, I’ll take it.

How about you?  What’s your TV show idea?  Would you be a contestant on “The Biggest Stay The Same?”

Go Gingham related links:

Do kids really need cell phones? I’m still not sure. Read more about it here.
Social networking and parents behaving badly can be found here.
Strategic frugality: our life approach to living and time as a luxury
Technology free Sundays and more family rules that work for our family
Frugal grocery shopping and slowing down for family eating


9 thoughts on “The Biggest Stay The Same

  1. People applaud the alcoholic who spurns the bottle, the problem child who starts to buckle down to graduate on time, the family who buried themselves in debt and dug themselves out, but when someone who simple took care of thins consistently, managed their behavior and lives, and did so without fanfare,mentions it with intention of good advice, they are shouted down. I want a parade for the turtles in life, the slow and steady, rather than all this attention and glorification of the turmoils of being a hare.


  2. Unfortunately the people on those shows stay the same too, but in cycles. There is constant drama, yo-yoing, self-loathing and attention-grabbing.

    Sustainable, self-relient and responsible won’t bring in the ratings. I guess because people who are don’t watch much TV.

    I’m with Indigo: let’s hear it for the turtles! And your daughter!


  3. I love this…living an even-keeled, consistent and responsible life takes work and care, but those who do should be rewarded! Tackling a challenge upfront is more admirable than tackling it at the last minute…in my mind, at least! XO, Katie


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