
Happy One Year Anniversary Go Gingham

Happy One Year Anniversary Go GinghamHappy one year anniversary?  Yes, it’s already been one year of me pushing that publish button.  My, how time flies!  How’s it going, you wonder?  Well, let’s see…

Here’s what drives me crazy.

  • When my hosting company says “…and you’re calling about Gogingham?” as in all one word.  As in, Birmingham or Nottingham, both lovely suburbs of London, I’m sure, but not quite Go Gingham.
  • When Google asks me after I search for Go Gingham “did you mean dogingham?”  No, Google, I did not mean dogingham and please stop asking me that.
  • When a well-meaning neighbor, who was so sweet when I ran into him at the grocery store, asked “How’s that Go Calico coming along?”
  • When my brothers used to search gone gingham, going gingham, or go black watch (as in the plaid fabric I love!).  Come on, bros!  It’s Go Gingham!  I think they’ve finally clued in.
  • When my husband or kids say, “Did you remember to make me a dentist appointment?” Or perhaps, “Did you mail that thing that had to be mailed?” Or, “Are you getting off that computer to make dinner or should I?”  And then I hear, “Oh, that cussin’ website!” mumbled under their breath.  It’s all in good fun, mind you.
  • My attempts at getting rid of the word “blogger” from the internet have not been successful at all. Blogger. Blogged. Blog Spot. It sounds like someone needs to clean up after me if I dare say “I’ve blogged.” Can we just say writer? So neat and tidy. Yes, yes, I understand the functionality of it all but really must we always have function over form? Wasn’t the mini-van enough?

Here’s where I’m making progress…

  • On a recent trip to the “Free Geek” thrift store, the cashier said to me, “Hey, you’re that Go Gingham lady.”  Why, yes, I am!  Thankfully, I was wearing a gingham blouse.  The cashier happened to be wearing a gingham dress shirt, too, but he hadn’t a clue about his dress shirt fabrication.  He’s quite informed now.
  • One day, after a meeting at my kid’s school, someone yelled out to me “Hey, Go Gingham!”  It was a friend, who is also a faithful reader.  Yes, please, let’s continue to chant Go Gingham!  Preferably from roof tops, with mega-phones in hand.
  • When friends approach me at parties, school events, or phone me to say: I’m using whole wheat pastry flour because of you, I made the recipe binders from your site,  or I re-wired a light fixture instead of calling an electrician. All very Go Gingham!

Here are the facts.

My favorite part in all of this?  I thoroughly love meeting new people and making new friends.  That has been the best part.  So, thank you for reading my blog, leaving comments, and all of your kind words.  Keep up the good work, dear readers, of trying new ideas, cooking new recipes, and tackling new projects.

My plan to take over the world with my stylish frugality is really working.

You can enter a drawing here on Monday, October 24, 2011 to celebrate the anniversary!

Go Gingham related links:

BlogHer in my backyard – a fun blogger event I hosted
BlogHer food and too much fun
WordPress resource books – you can find these at your library
Create your own website (or blog!) Go Gingham style
The launch of my professional site is here and my speaking schedule is here
Free tools for your blog or website – really, free!

12 thoughts on “Happy One Year Anniversary Go Gingham

  1. Sara – congratulations! What a fun milestone to reach. You’ve done an amazing job and I look forward to seeing more from Go Gingham for a long time to come!


  2. I just visited your site for the first time today… congrats on your first year anniversary! Here’s to many more!!!! I like this site very much, so I plan to visit again soon! Iris in Columbia, SC


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