
Simple Living and Joyful Work

Clean with Go Gingham

Consumer products, cleaning supplies, ready to eat processed food, household items, and ready to wear clothing – everything is done. All we have to do is buy these items with the money we’ve earned from working.

But what if our work was growing and making these items? What if we traded convenience for sowing seeds and sewing the garments we needed?

Herbs and Natural Pork Go Gingham

What if our work was living more simply? Simple living takes a lot of work but the work is where the joy is found.

  • Growing food in your yard and tasting how much better it is.
  • Making furniture. Sewing pillow covers and pillow cases. Knitting blankets. Making pottery.
  • Fixing and mending items rather than throwing them out at the first sign of wear.
  • Learning ways to reduce our reliance on companies for our consumer needs.

Making simple living a focus is making a commitment to less. But, don’t think of it as making do with less.

Go Gingham: My chair obsession

Think of it as living well on less. The earth needs humans to consume less. Let go of the mentality that we must have more to have better lives.

Spicy padron peppers Go Gingham

Can’t make, fix or grow anything? Find a friend who knows how. “Each one teach one” type of thing. Make a dinner and trade them for teaching you how. Then, you teach a friend.

Go Gingham Granola Recipe

No one can make or grow everything. We don’t want to go back in time entirely but we can all do something.

Work and actual doing is the joyful part of living simply. Find what you enjoy and make it your work.

What work do you find to be joyful? Do you find living simply to be work?

Go Gingham related links:

Living a frugal life by choice: strategic frugality
Viewing time as a luxury – it’s a precious commodity
The key to saving: frugal living is the key to saving

7 thoughts on “Simple Living and Joyful Work

  1. I am at the point where I will only do what is doable. I don’t see so well anymore, so some things just not safe. But I try to rejoice in the things that I am still able to accomplish.


    1. Hi Karen,
      You’re smart – “I will only do what is doable.” Sometimes I think we feel we must bite off more than we can chew. I have been known to do that but then there’s a LOT of unfinished projects around. Rejoicing is always good and I know you’re getting lots done! Thank you for writing in, Karen.


  2. Beautifully expressed, Sara! Some time ago I decided that I’d rather make memories instead of own things I’ll quickly tire of using, so now I make every effort to be with family and friends, and travel as much as possible. What’s going to matter in the end: lots of shoes or memories of good times with family?


    1. For just a second I thought, “Well, shoes, of course!” Joking! Yes, you are absolutely correct. Valuing experiences and memories is infinitely more important than material items. I like your attitude! 🙂


  3. I do think simple living is work, but it’s a pretty satisfying kind of work. I think the key is what you’re saying here–to find the aspects of simple living we can be good at and enjoy doing. And we have to be selective and make it work with the rest of our life. I’m not going to give up my work in education; that has a lot of different kinds of value. So, I can’t do all the simple living things I’d like. I’m figuring out which things I can do and I’m letting go of the rest. For example: Sometimes my weekly meal plan includes planning for eating out. That allows me to do some other kinds of things that have more value for me.


    1. Hi Rita!
      That sounds like a very smart plan – all around. Simple living means different things to different people and finding what works to make life simple is key.
      Hope you’re having a lovely summer!! 🙂


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