entertaining · lifestyle

Game Night

Frugal families just want to have fun.  Honestly, we don’t set out thinking, “How can we do this for little money or no cost?”  That requires too much thinking and is just not fun or how we approach life.  We do think, “How can we have fun and laugh with the people we love and care about?”  The answer?

Game Night

Game night has been a regular gathering over the years where we have tried different board games, charades, dessert, and drinks.  It can also include dinner but then it’s almost too long of a night for kids – they just want to get to the game part of the evening and cut out the adult visiting time!

The favorite game?  Charades.  Well, that’s my kid’s favorite.  There’s acting, suspense, timing, quick-thinking, and hand-gesturing with charades.  Don’t forget the shrieks of joy and groans of pain when the other team solves your best, well thought out topic in under 20 seconds.  Adults must do things during charades that kids don’t usually get to witness.  Perhaps this is why it’s such a hit with the younger generation!

Often times, once our kids head up to bed, game night usually ends with talks of changing the world, fixing what’s broken in our society, and agreeing that next time we won’t stay up so late!

Photo credit:  The picture was taken by our friends who also baked the pie.  My pies are baked with whole wheat flour and never look this pretty!

Have you played charades with your family?

4 thoughts on “Game Night

  1. We had some friends visit from California this month and one night we got out Pictionary. First, we played wives vs. husbands vs. kids, with the wives handily winning (we’ve known each other since 4th grade). Then we played “Oregon vs. California” – best of 5 rounds. We were tied at 2-2 when my daughter secured our Oregon victory guessing my husband’s drawing of “tweezers”. I can’t remember laughing that hard in a long time.

    We used to do “neighborhood game night” on the 2nd Friday of each month. Potluck-style with the host house providing the main course, a movie for the kids, and a game for the adults. After a few years, the game was replaced by socializing, and neighborhood turnover finally put an end to it. I do aspire to get it back in the family schedule.


    1. I love that your neighborhood did that. The biggest factor in getting together regularly is either having a set, regular time (like yours was – 2nd Friday) or coming to a gathering with the next date already chosen. I find that time gets away if it’s not on the calendar. Thanks for the comment, Liana!


  2. I have a suggestion for making your pies look pretty. Brush the top crust lightly with cream and very lightly sprinkle with sugar. Do this right before you put it in the oven. If you have a problem with the edges getting too dark cover them in strips of foil for the first half of baking. Or, use a square of foil with a big circle cut out of the center; just lay it on the pie and this is easier than making the foil strips stay in place.


    1. Great pie baking tips, Mary! I don’t usually stock cream in my refrigerator but I have brushed my pies with egg and sprinkled with sugar. I do need to do a better job of covering the edges while baking because I think you’re spot on with that tip.


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