home + garden

How to Organize a Laundry Room for Sustainability

Today’s post is sponsored by IKEA. Thank you for supporting the occasional sponsored post that helps support this site and all of the gingham-ness you see here. There's a saying that my brother taught me in German, and in English it goes like this: order must be. Yes, I'll take order, please. Make mine a… Continue reading How to Organize a Laundry Room for Sustainability


How to Have a Sustainable Wardrobe

Here's how to have a sustainable wardrobe: buy fewer items and wear the ones you have for a longer period of time. That's the simple answer. Having a sustainable wardrobe is easier for men but more difficult for women. Buying fewer items and keeping them longer is easier for men because their clothing is better… Continue reading How to Have a Sustainable Wardrobe

indulging · lifestyle

10 Sustainable Gift Ideas

My holiday shopping was done before Thanksgiving. What's the secret to being done so early? Not buying stuff. Give sustainable gifts to the people on your holiday shopping list and you'll find yourself done with your shopping, too. What are sustainable gifts? Items that have a purpose. They are gifts that encourage growth, inspire, and… Continue reading 10 Sustainable Gift Ideas


5 Things You Should Do Instead of Shopping on Thanksgiving

It's too bad Thanksgiving has turned into such a shopping holiday. There aren't special gifts for Thanksgiving or even particular candy with turkey wrappers made for it. It's just a day for giving thanks - and eating really good food! It used to be the best holiday - and one that everyone celebrates - until… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Do Instead of Shopping on Thanksgiving


Sustainability for the Wallet

Everyone is using the term 'sustainability' these days - heck, even I'm doing it! I've traded the word 'frugal' for sustainability. Why? Too many people think of 'frugal' as cheap or coupon-clipping and not what it really is - smart and continuing. To sustain one's lifestyle as in living within one's means. Sustain-ability. Mostly, the… Continue reading Sustainability for the Wallet

in the kitchen · lifestyle

Use Fewer Chemicals in the Dishwasher

You know when you open your dishwasher after it's run and it’s all steamy and smells like cleaner? What you smell are very strong chemicals. Sure the dishes are clean, but at what cost to our health? That's what we asked ourselves. The changing of all of our cleaning, laundry, and consumer products has opened… Continue reading Use Fewer Chemicals in the Dishwasher

budgeting · lifestyle

Healthy and Frugal Living Make a Good Pair

Do you ever read an article and think to yourself, "My thoughts exactly." That's what happened when I read this article from U.S. News & World Report. It's about developing good habits - for healthy and frugal living. How to Develop Frugal Habits: Changing your spending routine is similar to changing your health-related habits It's… Continue reading Healthy and Frugal Living Make a Good Pair