
Inspiration for Organizing Clothing

Because the "52 weeks of home organization project" is centered around having less stuff, I'm planning to pare down what's in my clothes closet. That thought has me cringing about parting with several Laura Ashley dresses from the 1980's - not that I've worn them since the early 1990's - but when it comes to clothing,… Continue reading Inspiration for Organizing Clothing


Reducing FAITH Expenses: Apparel

This is the second in a series of money saving strategies for reducing your FAITH expenses. FAITH = food, apparel, insurance, transportation, and housing. Clothing yourself, a family, and a home is expensive but you don’t have to break the budget. With a little closet cleaning, party planning, and splurging, you can redirect your resources… Continue reading Reducing FAITH Expenses: Apparel


How to Make Clothes Last Longer

Taking good care of your clothing means you can wear them for longer.  Of course that’s not always good.  I’ve been to several meetings recently where the pants I was wearing were older than many of my colleagues in attendance!  The pants have been around so long, they’re thankfully back in style.  It all comes… Continue reading How to Make Clothes Last Longer

entertaining · indulging

BlogHer Food and Too Much Fun!

I had the best time at BlogHer Food this past weekend! With 3 days of meeting new people, making new friends, and eating delicious food, it was an absolute whirlwind trip to BlogHer Food 2012 in Seattle, Washington. I shared a hotel room with Sheila from Eat 2 Gather (pictured above with me), Sandy from… Continue reading BlogHer Food and Too Much Fun!