
Happy Mother’s Day and Journal Giveaway

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are enjoying this special day yourself or celebrating it with your mother. Remember when I wrote about my Great-Grandmother's recipes that were written down in a little notebook on old Christmas cards? Well, that post put me in touch with my cousin, Katie Clemmons. Katie and I share the… Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day and Journal Giveaway

entertaining · lifestyle

5 Tips for Green and Healthy Holidays Without Going Broke

The average cost of Christmas spending is up to about $800 this year. That is a staggering amount of money for one season. How can you have fun and be festive during the holidays but not go broke? First, think sustainable when giving gifts. Next, follow these 5 tips for enjoying the holidays while being… Continue reading 5 Tips for Green and Healthy Holidays Without Going Broke


7 Tips for Being the Best Thanksgiving Dinner Guest

Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday to host - probably because it's all about good food, family, and simple decorations. Even if we don't host Thanksgiving dinner at our house, we still cook the entire dinner. The dinner is so good and the leftovers can't be beat. (Even turkey broth is tasty and easy to make!)… Continue reading 7 Tips for Being the Best Thanksgiving Dinner Guest

lifestyle · travel

6 Reasons Home Swapping is Sustainable

Traveling can generate a lot of trash. With carry out, to-go drinks, and meals, everything is throw-away. Home swapping is the most sustainable way to travel. By trading houses, we're using the resources that we already have - our houses - and sharing. Systems are set up already for recycling, composting, and reusing. Traveling and… Continue reading 6 Reasons Home Swapping is Sustainable


Making Time for What Matters

Remember how my nickname around here is "Internet Girl" - yes, a reputation I've earned. Lately though, I'm feeling more like a walking contradiction than an "Internet Girl." Here's why: I want to be unplugged more and away from my computer and smart phone. Why? The answer is simple. Living doesn't actually take place huddled… Continue reading Making Time for What Matters

budgeting · travel

How to Sleep Around Europe on a Budget

Traveling to Europe is expensive - the airfare, hotels, rental car, meals out - but it doesn't have to cost as much if you know how to sleep around Europe on a budget. Skipping the traditional hotel route also gives travelers options to shop at local markets, cook, and experience life as a local -… Continue reading How to Sleep Around Europe on a Budget