home + garden

Getting a Vegetable Garden Ready to Grow

Every President's day weekend, I swear up and down that I'm going to get my vegetable garden started. Early spring/late winter is the best time to plant green peas and spinach (in our zone) but it seems my best intentions don't quite make it happen. It's too rainy or too cold - for my taste… Continue reading Getting a Vegetable Garden Ready to Grow

entertaining · lifestyle

5 Tips for Green and Healthy Holidays Without Going Broke

The average cost of Christmas spending is up to about $800 this year. That is a staggering amount of money for one season. How can you have fun and be festive during the holidays but not go broke? First, think sustainable when giving gifts. Next, follow these 5 tips for enjoying the holidays while being… Continue reading 5 Tips for Green and Healthy Holidays Without Going Broke

indulging · lifestyle

10 Sustainable Gift Ideas

My holiday shopping was done before Thanksgiving. What's the secret to being done so early? Not buying stuff. Give sustainable gifts to the people on your holiday shopping list and you'll find yourself done with your shopping, too. What are sustainable gifts? Items that have a purpose. They are gifts that encourage growth, inspire, and… Continue reading 10 Sustainable Gift Ideas


How to Have a Zero Waste Holiday Season

It's that time of year again - when the shopping, spending, and wrapping frenzy kicks in! How can we embrace the holiday season and still keep waste to a minimum? Have a zero waste holiday season, of course! Not only will there be less waste generated but money will be saved as well. I call… Continue reading How to Have a Zero Waste Holiday Season


5 Things You Should Do Instead of Shopping on Thanksgiving

It's too bad Thanksgiving has turned into such a shopping holiday. There aren't special gifts for Thanksgiving or even particular candy with turkey wrappers made for it. It's just a day for giving thanks - and eating really good food! It used to be the best holiday - and one that everyone celebrates - until… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Do Instead of Shopping on Thanksgiving