
Reducing Transportation Expenses

This is the fourth in a series of money saving strategies for reducing your FAITH expenses. FAITH = food, apparel, insurance, transportation, and housing.

Reducing Transportaion Costs

Here are my top tips for saving money on transportation in your budget.

  • Thou shalt not lease – Leasing equals buying a car – only on really bad terms.
  • Keep driving the same car – as long as it make sense. Develop a  relationship with a mechanic to determine whether your car can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced. My Subaru is almost 21-years-old and the reason it’s still in good working condition is because of our wonderful mechanic.
  • Buy used vehicles – If you need to get a new to you vehicle, buy a used vehicle. Find one that’s solid, reliable, low maintenance, and fuel efficient. The ultimate? Consider getting rid of one car if you have two, or ride your bike everywhere – you’ll get a workout, too.
  • Drive less, save more –While driving less can mean you’ll save more, there’s no real financial savings in keeping your car and using public transportation. To actually realize the savings, you need to actually get rid of your car. Think about car sharing as an option to owning. With car sharing and bike riding, you’ll save on both the environment and get exercise.

What would you add to this list?

Go Gingham related links:

Budgeting and how to track expenses – Part 1
Budgeting and how to track expenses – Part 2
Budgeting and how to track expenses – Part 3
Living a frugal life by choice: strategic frugality
Reducing FAITH (food, apparel, insurance, transportation and housing) costs

6 thoughts on “Reducing Transportation Expenses

  1. Our Honda is 16 years old and still going strong. Had to put a new battery in it last week, but that’s a lot cheaper than a car payment! I will say I am super jealous of the heated seats in my dad’s car! They didn’t make those back in the day…


    1. Erin, way to go on the Honda still going strong!
      I agree about the heated seats. That is a wonderful invention. Until then, there’s the car blanket! Not quite as high tech but keeps the legs warm. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!


  2. We have reduced our car expenses. We sold my husband’s truck and now share my 2004 Ford Explorer. It has been a really great vehicle, but gets horrible gas mileage. That was not an issue when it was purchased. Like any vehicle with over 180,000 miles, it needs more and more maintenance. We reworked our auto insurance whenever we bought our 16-yr old son a used car. My daughter and I have become “biking queens” preferring to ride bicycles to the grocery store. It’s a fun way to get exercise and leave the gas-guzzler at home. We do have public transportation, but living in the largest city (square miles) in the United States has it’s challenges. Our city is VERY spread out. Driving is a way of life here and my daughter and I have almost been hit numerous times while biking; crossing the street at an intersection, in the cross walk, when we had the crossing signal. That really makes you dislike motor vehicles and their drivers. =) I wish we could give up the car, but we really can’t. We have done what we can. Thanks for the post.


    1. Mandy, that is impressive! Wow. I totally agree with you that it is dangerous being out on the road when you’re on foot or on a bike. My kids walk and bike lots of places, too, and it makes me nervous.
      When more drivers ride bikes, they’ll gain perspective. That’s what we found on a home swap in The Netherlands. Because everyone rides bikes there, the drivers were very careful around bike riders. That was our experience anyway.
      Way to go on all that exercise and reducing the amount you’re driving!! 🙂


  3. However many vehicles you choose to own, keep them in good repair. There is not much worse than needing to be somewhere too far to bike and the vehicle you wanted to use is not working properly.


    1. Good point, Karen! I’m a big wimp when it comes to riding my bike in the winter – and fall. All those leaves on the ground make me nervous. Do you bike year round? Thanks for writing in. 🙂


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