in the kitchen

Weekly Meal Plan

Go Gingham: Super Bowl Sunday Sauce
Nachos taste best with this easy sauce.

This week’s meal  plan includes “Super Bowl Sunday” and with the football game shown on network TV and not just on paid television, we were in business. I don’t really care about watching the actual football game but I do care about what we’re eating and I do most of the cooking because it’s generally pretty easy. I do like to watch the ads that are on during the football game but this year I wasn’t really impressed with any of them. Were you?

Weekly Meal Plan

I meal plan at the beginning of each week, before heading to the grocery store. Weekly meal planning saves money, reduces food waste, and keeps me from saying, “Let’s go out to eat!” If you need more reasons to meal plan every week, check HERE. Both of my kids cook dinner once-a-week and do the clean up after the meal. If you want to learn how to pull that off at your house, check HERE. If you’re looking for more meal planning ideas, check HERE.

This meal plan is from Monday, January 28, 2013 to Sunday, February 3, 2013.

Monday: pan seared fish, brown rice and vegetables (my daughter made dinner this night)

Tuesday: pulled pork (from freezer) and cole slaw with a kick

Wednesday: split pea soup (from freezer) and cole slaw with a kick

Thursday: oven roasted chicken, brown rice, pinto beans and fresh salsa

Friday: chicken (made with leftovers from night before) curry salad sandwiches (my son made dinner this night)

Saturday: whole wheat pasta with vegetables

Sunday: buffalo shrimp and nachos with pinto beans and ground pork with sauce

I wrote down my recipe for cole slaw with a quick to share but I think it’s too hot and spicy. I made a double-batch and dressed the second batch later in the week. The dressing gained in spice/heat and it was smoking spicy! I may have to tone it down a bit.

What’s for dinner at your house? What do you like to serve for Super Bowl Sunday?

Go Gingham related links:

National Match-Up Day: A step-by-step on how to clean and organize your food storage containers!
How we keep food waste to a minimum
Confessions of a leftover food lover – that would be me!
Take the night off and let your kids cook dinner every week
How our freezer gets used – ways to organize and optimize