in the kitchen

After School Snacks

After School Snacks - Go Gingham StyleSeveral years ago for a New Year’s resolution, I decided to not purchase any individually packaged snack foods for our family.  The reason?  I was tired of buying food that was overly packaged, generated waste, was unhealthy, and expensive.  This resolution really stuck and I rarely purchase packaged snack foods today.  The exception is when this “Soccer Mom” is “Snack Mom” for Saturday game day.  It pains me to see food I’ve taken the time to make and prepare myself not get eaten.  This “Frugal Mom” knows her limits!

After School Snacks - Go Gingham StyleSo what types of foods get served for snacks at our house?  Lots of hummus made with dried beans, whole wheat sourdough bread rubbed with a sliced garlic clove, and fruit.  Wasa (light rye) crackers and pretzels are crunchy snacks my family likes.

After School Snacks - Go Gingham StyleMy kids make their own lunches and usually their own snacks.  These are snacks I put together because they had to be brought along in the car.  The biggest trick is keeping the bowls on the tray!

After School Snacks - Go Gingham StyleYes, sometimes a few of the snacks are missing when I show up to get my kids from school.  Hey, moms need after school snacks, too!

What types of foods do you like to serve for after-school snacks?  Do you join in the after school snacking?  Do your kids make their own snacks?

Go Gingham related links:

How to reduce the amount of garbage families generate each month – only after potty training!
What are good foods to keep in a pantry for cooking at home each day
What are good foods to keep in a refrigerator for cooking at home each day
Why cooking with dried beans is better than canned beans

4 thoughts on “After School Snacks

  1. My kids make all their own food: breakfast, lunch, and after school snacks. I like your idea for hummus. I’d forgotten all about it and the kids love it. And it’s easy to make!


    1. I love having hummus around for snacking. It’s full of protein and fiber! My kids love it. Don’t forget to spice it up and make it taste yummy!


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