
Lip Chap DIY

DIY Lip Chap Go Gingham

When my lips are chapped, it’s practically a federal emergency. I always have something on me for dry lips. Let’s face it: I have no idea what’s in half the stuff I’m slathering on my lips (I’ve tried looking for the ingredients on Chapstick and haven’t seen anything). Plus, all the waste with these tiny plastic containers. We won’t even talk about the expense. There’s barely 1 teaspoon (5 ml) in one of these containers and yet the cost is usually several dollars.

This “lip chap” (that’s what we call all lip moisturizers) DIY was the easiest, healthiest, and least expensive beauty/consumer product project I’ve done. With only three ingredients, and all natural – beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil – that’s it. You can buy all of the items at a health food store. (If you live in Portland, I bought everything at New Season’s Market.)

Lip chap ingredients Go Gingham

What took the longest? Saving all of those lip chap containers over the years! OK, I probably could have bought new ones but “reuse” is my middle name. Well, not really but you know what I mean.

Melting ingredients lip chap Go Gingham

All you do is place the ingredients in a pan. Do not use cast iron! My first batch was in my tiny cast iron skillet and it turned everything a dark tint. (I do love cast iron and use it almost exclusively for cooking.)

Ingredients for make at home lip balm
  • Shea butter – 3 grams
  • Coconut oil – 3 grams
  • Beeswax – 2 grams

While I measured these on a very handy food scale (that my kids got me for Christmas!) you can easily switch out the amount of ‘grams’ for ‘ounces’ or even Tablespoons. The amounts don’t matter as much as the proportions to one another. Also, I quadrupled this recipe. Make what you need or have containers for.

Items needed for make at home lip balm

Having everything gathered and together before melting shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax is helpful. You’ll need everything handy once it melts. If it dries, just melt it all again.

  • Small funnel for pouring from pan into lip chap containers
  • Bubble wrap for keeping tubes upright
  • Small saucepan for melting ingredients
  • Spatula for stirring
  • Empty lip chap containers – save these! They are the most ‘expensive’ part of this project. To buy them, check TAP plastics or buy empty tubes or small lidded containers
  • Leftover ingredients container – I used an old metal container with a lid that held paper clips
Directions for make at home lip balm
  1. Get all of the items needed and make sure empty containers can be upright for pouring/hardening. Notice the bubble wrap around the bowl? That was to keep the lip chap containers upright to solidify.
  2. Place ingredients in small pan and melt on low. It melts in no time.
  3. Stir until all combined.
  4. Carefully pour into lip chap containers using a metal funnel. Wait to let settle and then top off if desired.
  5. Pour leftover melted ingredients into an empty container.

Cooling lip chap Go Gingham

Making this with someone else is helpful. One person to pour and one to hold the funnel. The tiny funnel was key, too. The “stuff” from making this – spatulas, spoons, funnel are still sitting out on the kitchen counter. We all keep using the leftover bits on dry spots or as cream.

My daughter wants to make our favorite beet salad recipe and then use some of the beet juice to color the next batch. I love this idea! She also wants to add essential oil to flavor it. I really like the smell of beeswax so I’m keeping mine plain but the possibilities are endless for natural coloring and scents.

This was a super easy project and I’ll never again buy lip chap. (Honestly, it’s impossible to find what’s in lots of the products I’ve bought over the years.) I love how these turned out! Healthy, green, and inexpensive – all of my favorites. Try it! Let me know if you do.

Do you make your own lip balm or lip chap? Do you add flavors?

3 thoughts on “Lip Chap DIY

  1. Hi Sara, thank you for the great recipe. Lip balm is SO expensive! My son drinks gallons of water and for some reason, this really dries his lips. I think he licks the water off his lips and I think that has the drying effect. I hope to try this out next autumn in preparation for winter.


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