
Happy Earth Day

Earth Day Go Gingham

Every day should be Earth day. That’s what our planet needs: every single day devoted to treating the world we live in with more thought. Reduce, reuse, recycle is good but refusing needs to be the first “R” in the list.

We all need to live like the Earth won’t last forever because at this rate – it won’t. What can we do? Begin today with baby step changes. Small changes are easy to tackle and keep the confidence level high.

Happy Earth Day from Go Gingham

Last year, I shared a tip a day for Earth month. I won’t inundate your email in-boxes again with all of those but you can read all about them HERE. Or click the image below.

Green Living Go Gingham

Think before spending and ask do I really want to support this company? Reduce food waste, generate less trash by composting and recycling at home and at work. Go for a walk outside and appreciate the Earth. We only have one planet. Let’s treat it nicely.

2 thoughts on “Happy Earth Day

  1. Well said Sara. My husband and I have been good stewards of the earth in the past 30 years, doing the best we could within the budget we had, and while accepting that we can’t do things pefectly. For example, my husband would love to commute, but his work place is inaccessible by public transportation. We did by a Prius to offset this. We also travel by plane for leisure, one of greatest environmental sins. We purchase carbon credits via to offset this as well. I agree with your suggestion to take baby steps. I think people are truly shocked when they have an environmental “awakening”, firstly on how serious and dire the situation is and secondly on all the steps they need to take to be better earthlings. Happy earth day!


    1. Thank you, Marie-Josee!
      (Somehow, I missed responding to this comment earlier. My apologies!)
      I really like your attitude about offsetting your choices. I try and ride my bike to more places but only do it when the weather is nice. I’m a wimp! 🙂
      Thank you for being thoughtful about the earth and writing in with your wonderful ideas.


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