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Sewing Project: The Winter Cape

Winter cape with bag

My daughter needed a fancy winter coat and there was no reason to buy one. Winter coats only get worn a few times a year by my kids and a fancy winter coat? Even less so. I thought I’d look for a used coat or perhaps sew one.

But, on a Goodwill Clearance Center (code name: “The Bins” because everything is piled into bins and sold by the pound) trip with girlfriends, I found an old, discarded dress and thought…

Why sew a winter coat when you can sew a winter cape?

Winter cape with bag detail
With enough of the prom dresses leftover after I made the cape, I sewed a matching bag.

This cape was made out of an old prom dress (well, I’m calling it a prom dress but it was a long-sleeve-fancy-to-the-ground dress) that I found at “the bins” where you can purchase clothing and other junk goods by the pound.  The fancy dress cost less than $2 and the cape took about an hour to sew.

Winter cape with more details

The top of the cape is cut from the waste of the dress.  The dress tapered in at the waist.  Using a rotary cutter, I removed the waistband and back seam.  The back seam is what became the front of the cape.

It is polyester made to look velvet-y.

Winter cape bow
The two different types of dresses I used: one was velvet-y and was polyester and smooth.

It is not lined.  I just added new seams all around.

Winter cape details

The bow is pieced together from the sleeves.

Winter cape bow detail

I had to sew a little bag to go with the cape.  Couldn’t let those scraps go to waste!  The bag is lined but the cape is not.

Winter cape with bag detail

I love to find new uses for items no longer used for their original purpose.  This was an easy project and kept another garment out of the landfill.

Important note:  The dress was washed and dried FIRST, before I began cutting it up!

Do you like to re-purpose old items? Have you sewn a cape before?

Go Gingham related links:

How to turn jeans into capris – easier than you think!
How to make skinny jeans from wide leg jeans – make your own “jeggings”
Easy steps to remove pesky tags from clothing
Want to learn to sew? Start here with easy cloth napkins
How to take apart a skirt – use your seam ripper on this project!
Mitered cloth napkins made from an old skirt
How to sew a Harry Potter cape complete with wand pocket

4 thoughts on “Sewing Project: The Winter Cape

  1. This is so pretty and a great reminder to look at something twice before giving it up. (donating or otherwise)


    1. Hannah, thanks for the comment! I completely agree…we should all think about using things for different purposes.


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